Saturday, September 30, 2017




We think of memories, the moments we had, the fun, the laughs, the talks, the fights, the great times we had.
We reach out to others in hopes of understanding, love, comfort.
We go and reach within ourself to find they joy in the memory, and the peace to heal our broken heart that they are no longer with us.
We share love with the contentment in knowing that we are all connected they are in everything, and we are not alone.

~~~~~~~~~~Written By: ColaGranola - (All rights belong to me!)

Someone dear to me passed, so although I want to share more about other things I think I'll just leave this with a request for anyone who reads this today be sure to let someone know you love them. Hug, call, text, anything just reach out. They need to know.

Please read my previous post:

Connect with me here:

Peace, love and light!

Thursday, September 28, 2017


Hiya, so in keeping up with letting you know more about that I'm doing, I am trying to better my situation. I do really believe that being a kind, sweet and caring person, can and will get you somewhere. 

I know with handwork and perseverance anything can happen. I never wanted my blog to become anything but what it is, a place for me to be me, share my thoughts and meet other on the same journey. 

I have met some like minded people, who are all over the GLOBE in an authentic community who just want to share love with the world. Like the great Mahatma Gandhi said, “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” This is what we're trying to do. We have live chats, video chats, and more. You can connect too reach out to me here:

I have started working with a company that produces AMAZING products that I shared about in my last post; you can see that here: 

To grow with that company I do need customers, my contact base is low, so this is where I need awesome individuals to reach out. I'd also love people to want to work with me as well, but if you're not ready for that then just being a customer is AMAZING. It would go a long way to help me change my world, and be just better. If you want more information, no matter where you are in the world. 

I'm slow to the take but I believe: 
Help me reach my dreams. 

Peace, love and light!

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Love YOU, love the EARTH, Be Greener!

I'm gonna try something new. It doesn't matter where you are from in the WORLD, Russia, Ireland Japan, Canada, United States, Portugal, Ukraine, Kenya ANYWHERE, you can comment here to connect with me and find me at
If you love online shopping and you want to make a smart, simple shopping decision that will improve your health, the health of your family and the environment by simply switching to a line of safer, green, eco-friendly products will help remove harmful toxins from your home and minimize chemicals in our environment then please reach out to me here or at
There is also a business side of things too and learn how to make extra income, or just simply shop and get awesome products that are amazing for you, family and the EARTH! 
I am also a part of an awakening community and I'd love discuss more of that with anyone who wants to as well. 

Lets connect. This world is so great and we can connect I've been wanting to for sometime, so PLEASE, reach out. The green health products, the awakened community or just with me I'd love it. 

Peace, love and light. 

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

ColaGranola on facebook is now LIVE!!!

Its a brand new page so not much contact is on it yet, but please come and like my page and join up with me. I'd love love love it!!!

ColaGranola on facebook is now LIVE!!! Check it out to connect with me more so then on here at

Peace, love and light!

Friday, September 22, 2017


Well I was excited to announce that I had a Facebook account, but  SYKE I don't because Facebook didn't like that I wanted to use my blog name as the real name on the account. I'll let yas know as soon as I get something going.

Peace, love and light. 

Wednesday, September 6, 2017


Need I say more? 

Peace, love and light!

Monday, September 4, 2017

Be Good.

This is what my aim is to do! Who's with me? 

Peace, love and light!

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Be Somebody

YES!!! If everyone did this, we'd have peace. 

Peace, love and light!