Monday, October 12, 2015

Be the change...

This great man said this, "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." ~~ Mahatma Gandhi. I have always cherished this quote. Simply because this is what I try to do each day. I try to be kind, caring, loving and gentle to everyone I meet. 

Don't get me wrong I am a love me or hate me type of person. I can be brutally honest when I think it's needed. I don't mince words very easily. Even then I try to be brutally honest in the kindest of ways. I think everyone deserves the truth, weather or not they may want to hear it. 

When someone tries to bully you, or make fun of you. The only reason those words can affect you is if somewhere you're insecure enough to believe them. On you realize this you then realize that it's not THEM that's hurting you, its not even the WORDS that are hurting you. It's YOU hurting you, because you don't love yourself enough to know that those things aren't true. 

Look I'm fat. I weigh 340 LBS. So believe me when I say I know those words aren't nice. At one point they hurt me especially when my MOTHER and SISTER said them. Then I learned to love ME for ME. I spent a lot of time in nature, and water, and reflected. I became comfortable being ALONE, and with just me. I learned to love who I was all by myself, learned to love being truly alone, and love every part of me. This is when those words stopped hurting. 

So if you need help to do this. I can help you and I would love to. There's nothing more embarrassing for a bully to try and hurt you, and it doesn't phase you. They are then defeated. Let's defeat them together. 

WE can do this.

YOU, YES YOU, can do this. 

Peace, love and light!

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