Wednesday, August 31, 2016

So SumerSlam 2016 Tho!

I'm going to be putting up some pictures from SummerSlam that I loved.

Here's a shot of @RandyOrton after going to SuplexCity, then delivering a RKO outta nowhere.

Then there was the horrific elbow to the forehead that caused all this blood and you seriously wondered when they were gonna call the match!

Then they finally called the match, and @BrockLesnar was the winner. 

Here's a shot of Randy's head after all was finally over.

If you missed it, I', mot sure if you can still PPV order it on TV, but you can get the @WWENetwork and watch it there. It's a complicated process for my but if you're in the USA it's like getting Netflix I hear. I so WISH it was the simple here. Just to get it I have to get cable and just too much to think about. I don't even own a TV. So there's no point. 

Peace, love and light!

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