Sunday, November 13, 2016



Every just feel like a tiny fragment when looking up at the moon?
How about a speck when in the middle of the woods?
Like a molecule when floating in the ocean. 

When you take the time to stop and breath,
Look and listen;
You realize you are tiny in the big huge world.

That little molecule can make a wave, 
The speck can cause a fire,
A fragment can create a meteor.

So next time you feel little, 
Take a breath,
Look up, 
You can make a big change,
Even when your small.

~~~~~~~~~~Written By: ColaGranola - (All rights belong to me!)

Peace, love and light!

Friday, November 11, 2016

Never Again - WE Remember - Remembrance Day Canada

I have been ill, so I've been resting in my spare time but still trying to get something up to you everyday! I will be posting more talent videos, and stuff soon, but right now I need to get well.

However in Canada it's Remembrance Day and I definitely wanted to never forget!

Peace, love and light!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

USA Vote Today!!!

To all my American readers, today is a huge day for you and I just want to wish you all well. PLEASE get out and vote even if you never have. No Vote = No Voice. Voting is better then not voting. So please please do!!!

As for all  my other readers, I am under the weather today and if I feel up to it later I'll edit some content, but as for right now, Ima go back to bed!

Peace, love and light!

So I got to meet him!

I got to meet Aaron Ashmore at Halcon this past Friday and it was awesome! I am so happy Weve won me tickets. He's so amazing! I'm gonna add some random photos of costumes and such and IF anyone sees them and knows the people, just let me know so I can give them credit. I snapped random shots as people were passing by, I didn't stop to get names!


So yeah that last one I just thought was pretty. I shot it as I was walking to my car. that's only a few of the pictures I grabbed, but showed some pretty awesome cos-play, and just the vendors area! It was so much fun!!! I SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO want to go back next year, and even have costumes! 

Peace, love and light!

Friday, November 4, 2016


Sorry for the delay in my posts. I am still trying to gather information for the artists, so I didn't get it out as promised. However my friend WEVE (from Twitter) won me tickets to HAL-CON. It's for today so I will be out most of the day, and not able to post, however I'll also have loads of stuff to post about AND hopefully I get to meet AARON ASHMORE!!!!! Steve from Warehouse 13 and Jimmy from Smallville and MUCH MUCH MORE!!!

Talk soon!

Peace, love and light!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


The next artists I'm promoting, I need to get more of their information before I feel comfortable posting. 

Due to how tired I am, I will get this post out tomorrow, but as for tonight Ima grab a bite to eat and go to crash!

Peace, love and light!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Ally and SLD

Label associated: 902NONSTOPRECORDS - @902nonstop -

Ally's information: 902allydee - @902allydee

Stack Loot Divide's information: ♋Sイคςк L๏๏イ Dเץเ๔є ♋ - @StackLoot

If you click on the links the 1st ones will take you to their Facebook pages, and the 2nd ones will take you to their Twitter feeds. The last one for the label is the website!

October 14th 2016 show!

Hope you like this track!

Peace, love and light!