Sunday, August 30, 2015

10 Billion

Really? That's just telling me you're not smart enough to make decisions yourself.

Stand up for change. VOTE against HARPER.

Peace, love and light.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

What does Real Change look like?


So in Canada a big thing this election is Liberals stating they want to legalize Cannabis. They way they want to do this would be supremely beneficial for our economy, and would be done of a federal/national level, so that the individual provinces leaders cannot make choices on their own,kinda like what Nova Scotia's leaders just recently did with flavoured tobacco. So stupid, he banned it. Oh yeah and the economic hit to Nova Scotia was estimated at 5 million dollars. How sad.

For the record I am not someone who uses tobacco or cannabis. I am however a person who believes in keeping our economy strong. So if your going to do something that hurts that under any guise as to why, then your not fiscally responsible and you shouldn't be in power over this province.

That's why I am so passionate about this upcoming federal election. The right people need to be in power to make real changes that will benefit our country as a whole. It also wouldn't hurt to get who is in power here in Nova Scotia out as soon as possible. He's not doing what's best for our province.

Let's just also talk for a second about the benefits that cannabis has proven lately and how there is NO evidence that it is not beneficial. I recently spoke with medical professionals who state that Cannabis is better for some people with mental health and pain issues then the other medications out their with their side effects.

I will write more on what I know later.

Peace, love and light.

Friday, August 28, 2015


No matter where you live, if you do not register to vote, and actually vote, you have no voice in what is happening in your country. Everyone of ago and older needs to be registered and needs to vote. In these uncertain times, we all need to have a voice.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Do we want another recession?

Liberal Email sent to supporters - --- Facebook

Ralph Goodale former Finance Minister:

The Bank of Canada has called our economy atrocious. Economists say with six consecutive months of negative growth we’ll be in a recession. We're at five months already and on the brink of the SECOND recession in Harper's decade -- the only G-7 country to suffer such a dubious distinction.

Peace, love and light!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Oh my goodness. Just read this!

Information that was sent to Sum Of Us supporters to try and educated us and get our support to help the fight for what is right. -

Harper and his team have manipulated media cycles for years to try and keep the stink of scandal off them -- often putting out major policy announcements on a Friday night when they know hard-working Canadians are trying to relax with their families instead of paying attention to politics. They call it ‘taking out the trash’.

Harper is embroiled in the Duffy scandal, the economy is in free-fall, and oil prices are at an all time low. In the last two terms, Harper has stripped away environmental protections from our lakes and waterways and let big oil companies rewrite environmental laws word-for-word. He’s negotiated secret trade deals that put our rights at risk, given away Canada's best-run public companies, and attacked the privacy of all Canadians.

In 2006, Harper said, “You won’t recognize Canada when I’m through with it”. And sometimes we don’t. With just 7 weeks to go until the election, we need to ramp up the pressure on Harper and keep it on him until election day. With an expanded team of researchers and more resources, with cutting-edge communications tools we can get the story out far and wide, and run rapid response campaigns to hold our politicians to account.

Please go to to get any and all information, or to help them in the fight.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Our Veterans deserve better!!

Our Vets paid a price for us and our freedoms. They served their country and did it all to keep us safe. So why our Government makes it so hard for them to get the aid they deserve makes no sense. Like seriously Harper spends millions to make sure that they don't get what they deserve. It's just not right. Wasting all this money, that could go into our armed forces, and help them currently and the Vets. It's what should happen.

Calling all people to stand up and say that this can't happen anymore.

Peace, love and light.

More Vaping and E-Cigs

It's frustrating not living in a place where there are tonnes of options for things that you are looking for, but then on top of that due to where I live there are restrictions that stop me from being able to get what I want.

To explain, I live in Nova Scotia Canada, and there are really only a few Vape shops around here, and it's all brand new to us. But because I'm into it and I've been educating myself there are things that I want to get and I just can't.

E-juice is apparently restricted to only what I can get made in Canada, which the choices are limited. Also, the stores here bought so much stock of older stuff that they don't/won't carry anything else till they get rid of it.

Like RIP Trippers ( and Vapor Trail ( both reviewed the Ijust2 kit. So I went looking for it, and no where has it, nor do they plan on getting them in. I suggested to one shop owner that it could become your easiest sale for someone new to vaping and looking for a simple but good way to start.

I was even in one shop where they were being hard sold on OLD product, when there was better options there. I'm not trying to be rude, but it's like no one cares about vaping here. They care about making a dollar on this NEW thing (because to us here it is new). I've known about it for years but Health Canada wouldn't allow it for some time.

I even dared to start taping some videos on YouTube to review the shops around here and what I'm able to get. Oh yeah, the stores will carry ELeaf tanks. I got started on a crappy PEN that sucked. It sucked so bad it was a waste of cash then it broke. I then got a 20W eleaf battery, and was sold on a nautilus tank. It dripped and gargled so bad I finally found a GS Air tank. Loved it, but it's a bit small, so wanted to upgrade to the GS Tank, and no one has them, because, and I quote, "Their not popular, ELeaf tanks are just not popular,"

Says the store person, who is trying to sell my partner a nautilus mini tank, when he's looking for an RDA. Like you know the difference right? RDAs and a nautilus mini are not for the same uses. But the stores don't even compete with each other.

Two shops offer loyalty rewards, but the other shops don't. They also don't seem to care that customers are coming in asking for product because they want it, and they get told NO. This stuff is new, and MOST consumers going in do not do the research I do before I go in. It's sad we cannot get what we want. I wish I could open my own shop so that people had an options to go to someone who wants to help them with the product.

Peace, love and light.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

E-Cigs or Vaping.

This is something that needs to be talked about. ESP in Nova Scotia Canada. There are organizations out there trying to help this industry, but there are officials ESP in Nova Scotia that hate it, and want it gone. They've already banned all flavoured tobacco here, that's right, flavoured cigars, and even MENTHOL tobacco products are no longer allowed to be sold. 

So studies actually PROVE that E-Cigs are 95% safer then normal cigs, so I just want to share the research with you. Check out these links, and educated yourself, so that you know all options to help you personally. Also, get involved. The fight is real, and lately the people in control of our Provinces, and Country have just been doing their own thing and not really caring. They need to do what the people want not what they prefer. 


ALSO, there is much much more information out there I can provide. Just comment and I'll help you out. 

Peace, love and light!

(The above image is not my own, all credit goes to the link underneath).

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Wasting $757 Million!

Harper needs to be stopped. Let's STAND UP this election and tell him NO MORE!

He thinks he can't be stopped. 

Peace, love and light!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


I read an article about social media making us narcissistic. I'm going to comment because I believe we have control over what we do and how we do it. Social media is a wonderful tool to stay connected, however refusal to put down your phone is a choice. Refusal to go out and interact with people is a choice. Just because the tool is there doesn't mean you have to use it.

It's like my parents used to say, "Just because everyone else jumped off a bridge would you?" I don't have to become a selfie queen, or a non-stop poster. These are things I can do to add value to my already awesome life, not validation to make my life mean something.

We have the ability to make choices, and rather then blame something else for the choices we make, maybe just make better choices.

Peace, love and light!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

RIP "Rowdy" Roddy Piper

This is a little late, but I felt it still needed to be done. This man made me love wrestling, and and I so sad he's passed. I really hope heavens ready for "Rowdy" Roddy Piper. The following is an image of him taken from probably the last thing that was recorded of him by WWE. WWE Table For 3, 1st episode, with the WrestleMania Legends. Check out the WWE network to get more great shows like this, go to (for Canada) or for anywhere else, it will tell you how to sign up. IT is super worth it, if you love wrestling.

This was an awesome moment in the show and I just happened to pause as just the right time so I captured this moment.

"Just when they think they got the answers, I change the questions."

Peace, love and light!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Not Fair!

Just to keep up with the current theme, there will be other posts other then political but I just want to share some more thoughts for any Canadians that might read. Certain things aren't fair and this is one of them.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

United Nations even disagrees with Harper. (Fixed Link)

The united Nations Human Right Coalition released an article about Harper's C-51 Bill and how it isn't just or right.

No matter who you are check out the article. especially if you are Canadian, read this!!!

Canadian Election called early.

So I'm Canadian. I'm pretty sure that's no secret. SO I'm also gonna be posting somethings regarding the election here. I'm so upset with how Harper has been running things, I need to vent it out. Harper is our Prim Minister, and he's been doing things incorrectly. So a few posts will be surrounding that.

First thing is first. IF YOU ARE CANADIAN YOU NEED TO READ THIS NEXT SECTION CAREFULLY. Harper secretly changed voter rules/laws, so you may not be registered to vote. Normally it's kind of easy you just take ID/mail/passport, and the voter card and you're good to vote, well that's not the case.

ALSO, if you wern't registered last election, and you did go in and do what I mentioned above to be able to vote, it didn't put you in the system for this election. I know this for a fact. My partner went through all this last year, and thought he was registered this year, however he wasn't. If I didn't go to the website (will provide information below), and make sure they signed up to were not registered.

This is soooo cheeky but to resolve it it super simply. Follow the link below.
Peace, love and light.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

That moment when...

That moment when you realize that after you reached out to all your friends, you truly have no one. That you are in fact a lone, and seemingly no one cares.

You feel hurt, lost, alone, a little confused and frustrated. You wonder how it got to this point where you do all you can for others, but they do not return the same kind. You still feel value, and love, since you feel that within yourself, but hurt to know that you have no friends.

You contemplate what to do, where to go, how to figure out what to do next, but not being able to figure anything out, instead of crying you sit and type, and type, and type. Try to write out the frustration, and hurt. So that it gets lost in words rather then inside you.

You may be alone, you may have no one, but you have you. You are all that truly matters. You and your happiness. So even though its hard at the moment and you don't know where to turn, look up, and keep your head up. Sit in silence, and just wait, you will figure it out. You will find another way.

You can do this.
Peace, love and light.

Sunday, August 9, 2015


Hey all I've been taping a lot, and taking a bunch of pictures for video editing. I am completely new to this world so it could take me awhile to get them uploaded. I will link this all together too, so that you can get to my YouTube channel from the blog, and vice versa. So hang in there with me. I will be posting here To make up for the time.

I know not many people even read this much, but hopefully when things get going with the Vlog and blog, ya'll will keep reading. I've done one video that just introducing myself to the world, a music festival, and then fireworks, and also a venting session about vaping in the Maritime's in Canada.

I am excited. Here's a really awesome picture of a double pork Poutine I got from Smoke's down on the boardwalk during Canada Day celebrations. This will be fun once we start sharing these things.

Peace, love and light.