Saturday, October 24, 2015

April 30th 2016

On April 28th 2016 it will be exactly 2 years since I spoke to my best friend of 15 years, April 29th 2016 will be my 35th birthday and on April 30th 2016 it will be exactly 2 years since my best friend of 15 years killed himself.

It's not something I talk about often. But it's something that does affect me deeply. I'm in a job that makes me happy, and a good relationship, and things are looking good. However the amount of REAL genuine friends I have is limited. That saddens me. Don't get me wrong some of the friends I have are amazing and I love them so much. They mean the world to me, but most of them aren't local to me. They are long distance which makes it hard when you need a shoulder to cry on, or want someone to go to a Halloween party with.

I went to an event Friday evening for my work and while there I ran into an old friend. IT was awesome to see him again, and when we hugged I remembered why we became friends in the first place. I immediately reached out to him again, and told him how much I missed him and how much I hope we can get together soon, and awesomely enough he agreed.

So glad for the reconnect. I miss having that person who your soul can be naked with, and just genuinely you. No need to act any which way but yourself. It's the best feeling in the world.

So if anyone out there feels alone, or like you don't have anyone, reach out to me. I don't want anyone to feel like they have no one. It's not true. You have someone, we just haven't met yet.

Peace,love and light.

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