Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Teach Peace, hope, love and understanding.

I've posted lots of things, but one thing I want to be heard above all. Peace, love, hope, and understanding are all things that we need to give. Those things we all long for. I know myself when I heard of the horrific murder that happened not even a stones throw away from me scared me to the core, and made me wonder why. The drivers who are not driving correctly scare me. The walkers who just bolt out without stopping (like your supposed to), or the bikers who run red lights, or up the center lane, they all scare me. The person who is beating their partner, to the one who thinks it's OK because they drank too much, all of this upsets me and scares me. It's not right. They are being reckless and putting my life and others lives in danger, because why? Where are they rushing, what right do they think they have to take others choices away? That all runs through my mind, but then I stop, look and listen, and remember that rather then judge I need to offer peace, love, hope, and understanding. I need to be the change I want to see in the world. That starts with me and that means I am offering compassion first always. That doesn't mean these things won't scare me or frustrate me but if I want to see peace, love, hope, and understanding, I have to give it.

(Please support the artists by going to their pages, and helping them, they deserve it for these wonderful images of what we all need a little more of. I know I will.)

Peace, love and light!

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