Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Happiness is FREE.

OK, so something that has been on my mind lately is that because I carry myself the way I do and because I a bigger means I can't be poor. These people that think this I would like to ask one singe question. Do people who are thin and dressed in ripped clothes equal poor? No it doesn't. you can be fat, dress nice, and be kind and caring and still be poor. Just like you can be thin, dress horribly, and be the rudest person alive and still be rich.

Why in today's society even thought we know better we are still putting people into boxes and being judgmental about how people look. That's silly. Just like they always say, you can't judge a book by the cover, nor can you judge a human being by the way they look. I try to be nice to everyone, and I try when I can to buy nice clothes so that I feel I look good. That doesn't mean I have money. In fact, buying clothes is one of the hardest things I do. I can only shop at one store, and they are fairly unreal for clothes. Oh and since I only wear skirts that makes it hard.

Lets stop judging people and remember that anyone can be kind. It doesn't matter what your station in life is. I choose to be happy everyday, and I am happy. It doesn't matter that I don't have money. I am still happy. Like this man says, "Money doesn’t necessarily make you happy, neither does lack of it (poverty). Happiness is FREE, like Oxygen. Whether you are Rich or Poor, the decision to be happy needs to be made." ~~ Coach Romi Gill, check him out at http://romigill.com/

Peace, love and light.

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