Friday, September 11, 2015

Sorry all.

Hey, sorry guys and gals, and anyone else who reads this. I got caught up this last little bit, with a new job, and trying to get shit situated. Some things got kinda messy, and it mad for unpleasantness. I am hoping to get stuff resolved VERY shortly, but it's slow to start.

Anywho. NO excuse, still should be writing and keeping ya's up to date. The most resent thing to happen to me was I've been trying to get involved in the political stuff as a supporter and that just hasn't worked out, so I've been posting here a lot of that stuff. However, I just found out I can VOTE early, like now and not have to deal with all the bullshit on election day, so I think I am actually gonna do that as soon as I am able (if you Canadian and want to know how to vote early, comment down below and I will let you know).

Also, I've been debating on a few things. I DO want to go back to school to get a better education so that I could possibly teach or do law, but I am also now debating on IF I should be staying in Nova Scotia, or moving out to British Columbia.

This is a huge decision. No one I know is out there, nor is it close at all to my family. BUT this is something I am thinking I might have to do for me. I love Nova Scotia, been born and raised here, and am now 34 years old and love it here, but there's just lack of opportunities for people my age. I've worked my whole life, and just because I don't a a specific degree, I can't make a decent wage.

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, if anyone reading has any suggestions/thoughts/opinions, I'd love to hear them.

Peace, love and light.

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