Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Posted this in a few Youtube videos.

Posted this in a few YouTube videos comments section of several videos that had to do with Mariana Joyce, a YouTuber who recently was trending on Twitter because her viewers thought she was being abused. I'm sharing this here as well in hopes that if people read it they will take a different take on things.

I did a lot of research on all the "accusations" people had that caused the police to be dispatched to this poor ladies home and watched loads of her videos. It's nice people care, but people jumped to incorrect conclusions. Seriously. This lady expresses she is a spiritual person, and recently experienced a life changing event, so now her videos are a little different and seem "strange" to her viewers because things are different. Certain life events can and do change you. So maybe instead of over analyzing things be supportive, caring, and don't start a hashtag and get police involved, ask questions and get answers. I myself bruise easily, I wake up with new bruises and have no idea where they come from, and I wouldn't know that they were even there. WE all need to learn that caring is a good thing, but making accusations can really affect someones life in a negative manner. You all rock for caring. I wish my blog readers let me know they care as much as you all do, I'm just saying be careful on accusations, they were well intended, she knows that.

Peace, love and light!

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