Thursday, October 12, 2017

So real talk

I need to start new. That's the whole reason I'm looking for friends to join me on the journey. I do need to be able to be financially independent, to move, and start new. I struggle to even have food week to week. I need to get away from the negativity in the current home. I was having, a not so great night at work, but I'm able to move on and find peace and keep going. I was even happy again, then the other person came home, and they go on and on about everything that bothers them, and their work, and then I say one thing about mine, and the response I get is, "I don't care." It's like how can you say that when for the past hour you've been bitching about your job, life and everything else. It's like if I'm not allowed to tell you about my stuff, you can't go on about yours. 

Anyways it doesn't even matter because no matter how much I care, I truly don't think the give a shit about me. I am a loving, caring, empath, who sees the good in everything even when there isn't any! So please, I know I am a broken record at the end of my posts but I still need people who are interested in joining me on my journey (hopefully before Oct 31st). Please read here and more info here

I am only a message away here 

Peace, love and light!


  1. As ugly as people can be,it's important to continue to strive to be the best version of ourselves we can be. We can't let other people's darkness affect our light.

    1. Thank-you so much for your AMAZING light, I appreciate the reminder and the kind words. You are so right!
